Dynamics 365 Business Central: Warehouse Management Part 4, Getting Started With Bins
Hey, everyone. We’re going to keep going on warehouse management. Now we’re going to get into bins. We’re going to stick with this idea here of a warehouse. We’re going to call it the north warehouse. The north warehouse is going to be split into three parts. There’s going to be receiving, storage, and shipping.
We’ll have in this case just one receiving bay that we bring in. In shipping we’ll have one shipping bay. These are going to be zones. This is zone receiving, storage, shipping. I’m going to call the bins the same thing as the zones. There’s going to be receiving bin and storage bin and shipping bin. We’re calling it the same thing.
What we want to execute is a PO that gets received into receiving and gets put away into storage, at least in this video. Finally, what we should do is have an SO here that issues a shipment, which creates a pick. This would be a pick here, and this would be a put-away. To actually get this set up is a little tricky inside the system, and we need to set up put-away templates. We’ve got to set up the different types of zones, different type of bins to make everything jive. There’s a lot of little checkboxes that we can then configure things on.
I want to just get this part going right here so we can put-away into storage and show you how it works with bins. It makes a lot more sense with bins than it does without bins. Let’s take a quick look.
Let’s take a look at the system.
In the Locations, I have added a new location called North Location. In this North Location we’ve set up a lot of stuff. It’s pretty simple, but it’s quite a bit of set up. We enabled Directed Put-Away and Pick. That by default puts on Bin Mandatory, Required Shipment, Put-Away, and Pick. You’re pretty much forced to have all that out if you’re doing directed put-away and pick.
On top of that what we did is created zones, just three zones; receiving, shipping, storage. That’s it. We created bin types for receiving, shipping, storage. That’s important because you have to qualify what each bin does. This bin receives, these types of bins ship, and these are for storage. We can put away into them, and we can pick from them.
This kind of sets up the scheme of things. If I go into the actual bins right here, I just created three bins, receiving, shipping, storage. Just those three, so it makes it very simple. Also, we need to create a put-away template. I’ve created that. The put-away template is an intelligent form which specifies how we put away things. I created a very simple one.
First we try to find the fixed bin – we’ll explain later what that means – with the same item. Then we’ll find a floating bin, which is empty. Then we’ll just release everything and find any bin available. Let’s just get out of this and run through a quick purchase order to show you how the same process as we did before works with this.
If I go into a purchase order, I’m going to create a new one to the Fabrikam. In this case we are going to the North Location. I’ll go in here. Hopefully that pops up right here, Fabrikam. We’ll get the coffee mug that we use all the time right here and North Location. We’re going to get 50 in.
I just go ahead and release it right here. Then go ahead and create a warehouse receipt just like we’ve done before. It creates a warehouse receipt header. If I take a look at this, it’s coming into receiving, so in a receiving bin right here. That’s where we receive stuff. That’s great. Now we actually have bins.
I’m going to go ahead and post this, acknowledge that we received this, and get it into receiving so it posts. I’m going to create a put-away. Close this out. First I’m just going to go into Warehouse Put-Aways.
Here in this screen we should get a put-away instruction to put things away into the actual storage. It’s sitting in a receiving bay. I’m going to do that using a worksheet. I’ll go in here, go to Put-Away Worksheet, and I’m going to go ahead to get the receipt that I just created. Here I could have gotten multiple receipts.
Then I’m going to go ahead and create a put-away. I create it for this. It’s complaining that it’s not enough capacity for the items. That might be because of my put-away template. Let me go into the put-away template and make sure it’s correctly set up. I see I have floating just like that because it’s not empty. This should be enough.
I was looking for an empty bin, but I don’t think I have an empty bin right now. Let’s just go ahead and try this. I’m finding fixed bin, same item. Then finding a floating bin, which is empty. Let me just put a description here. Maybe it did not save.
That’s kind of odd. I should go into this a little bit. This is a good learning point. When it’s actually putting away, it’s trying to find the right bin to put it in. I actually have one bin, so it should be fairly simple. Here it’s looking for a fixed bin for a particular item, which I didn’t set anything to be, with the same item or a fixed bin that’s fixed in a rack space.
Then if it doesn’t find that and looks for a floating bin that’s empty, which can be anywhere, and it’s empty. If it can’t find that, it will look for a floating bin that is not empty. I think that’s where it actually stopped and found my bin. I had something in that. It’s basically my storage bin. My storage bin is floating.
We’re going to do a separate video definitely on these checkboxes. I thought I had them correctly set up, but it was giving me an error, and we solved that. If I go into my put-aways and take a look at what it did to create, it creates one put-away right here. If I take a look at that, it’s telling me I’ve got to take the product from receiving and put it into the storage bin.
If I go ahead and say register that, I register the put-away. Now it’s in. Now it can go into my bin contents. Here I have storage, and I got 100 inside my storage bin contents.
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