Dynamics 365 Business Central: Warehouse Management Part 13, Picking To A Sales Order
Alright, warehouse management, surprise, surprise. We’re going to go into picking. We’ve been putting away a lot but for some reason, no sales. Nothing to pick. We’re going to put in a sales order and we’re going to execute a pick and just go through that. We’ve got to close the circle. This is going to be pretty simple. I think you’re going to be seeing what you expect to see.
We have, basically, a sales order that initiates a warehouse shipment that initiates a pick. Then you go ahead and you pick out of the warehouse and you then post the pick. Then you post the shipment and then the sales order is shipped. When we receive - this is a PO - do a warehouse receipt. We actually post the receipt before we put away because the [imagery] has to get in but in the sales order, it’s different. You go ahead, you create the shipment and you create the pick to the shipment but you don’t post the shipment unless you pick because the inventory is moving out in this sense. At the same time, you can look at this as the almost exact reverse of the put-away process and the receiving process.
Let’s take a look at that. Now, we want to go into picking. We’ve been putting away a lot but I just want to do a simple pick for this video, just to give you an example how that works. I have a sales order here; that’s released and it’s for the north location. We’ve got 15 coffee mugs, so I just want to go ahead and create a shipment. It’s very similar to creating a warehouse receipt on the purchase order. For the sales order, we actually create a warehouse shipment. Now, instead of posting the warehouse shipment, just like we post the warehouse receipt, we can’t do that right away because we haven’t picked the shipment. That has to happen first.
From the shipment, we can just go ahead and create a pick, like right here. I’ll just go ahead a hit Create Pick. I can assign a user etc. Why not just leave it empty. Now, a pick activity has been created. Now, I’m just going to go ahead and take a look at that. Just close these out. Go to pick activity. I think it’s actually warehouse picks. Yeah that’s it. Here’s my pick activity. I go into that and now it tells me that I need to take and place. Interestingly enough, it is not showing take and place. I’m just going to show you guys how to add that. I love seeing that. It just makes a whole lot of sense.
Let me just go ahead and add fields here, and I suggest you do the same in your database. I’m going to go ahead and pick the – where is it? We have the location codes, bin and so on, action type, right here. I’m just going to put the action type, right in front here. Now, we have take place, which is much better. For some reason also, it doesn’t show the bin code, I don’t know why, but I would want to see the bin code. Just what it’s suggesting. I will just close that out. Here, I can see that it’s supposed to take out of storage three, and then place into the shipment bin.
I’m going to go ahead register this pick. Quantity to handle is 15; quantity handled is zero. Let’s first autofill quantity to handle. Then when I post it, it actually gets quality handled. I’m just going to go ahead and register this pick. Now, since I handled everything, it just finishes the document, deletes it and now I can go ahead and go into the warehouse shipment. Go into that one and then I can ship it because I’ve already picked it. Now, I can ship it. If I actually had tried to ship it before, it would have failed because I don’t have the product in the shipping bin. Now, we can ship 15 so I’ll just post the shipment. I’ll just ship. I don’t want to invoice right now. Now, the product is out the door and I can invoice the sales order.
That’s how the picking works. It’s pretty much the inverse of receiving, almost exactly.
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