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Dynamics 365 Business Central: April 2019 Updates, part 3

Dynamics 365 Business Central: April 2019 Updates, part 3:
Physical Inventory Orders

Hey, everyone, we're going to do an update video again. Take a look at the April update. This was actually Sandra – who is watching our channel and thanks, Sandra, for watching – who mentioned the physical inventory orders.

Yes, it's a new application extension or feature that they published in the April update. We're going to just take a look at that. The Calculate Inventory on the Physical Inventory Journal, which we use to have, was not the greatest. Lot numbers, for example, was an issue.

Serial numbers, you couldn't put that on the line, or you had to go into item tracking, etc. This is more structured. It's cool, so let's take a quick look, see how it works.

Alright, so let's take a look at this.

Basically what we have here is the physical inventory order to better structure your physical inventory counting. Interesting, okay, so let's get here into physical inventory order. 

Okay, so we know we have the physical inventory journal, and that's what's been there for a very long time, but this is new. Let me go ahead and create here a test order. Basically we create a test physical inventory order like mugs. I'm going to say this is mugs. Count the mugs.

You basically create a particular order of what you're doing. Let's say we're doing that inside main, person that is responsible, and that's good. So we can just go ahead, hit Calculate Lines, very similar to the physical inventory journal It creates what I have in inventory. Let's say, for example, I don't want to count the coffee beans. I'm only interested in the mugs. These are all mugs and a chair. Not interested in counting the chair, so leave it at that.

Now I have this order, physical inventory order, where I can now create counts or recordings. If I go ahead and make a new recording, I can then just hit OK. It creates Test 1, which is a recording for this. I can go ahead and navigate into that recording and that's probably – the idea behind this is that we are recording the inventory now. It's based from the order.

I could've probably deleted some items over here and done another recording for the other items, so have two recordings, or sent the same thing out to two people and had them both record or something like that.

We go in here, and I'm just going to go ahead and type in arbitrary quantities as I'm recording this like that. Now this is all recorded.

I go ahead and hit finish and by the way, we could export or import I believe that's just Excel that would go to. Now we finish this; now it's finished. We go back and we can see that we have recorded, quantity recorded, and I don't know if you noticed, but we also had the – if it was by item tracking, we could specify in the recording the item tracking. It's good to make an emphasis of that. I thought that was very interesting.

I think we have an issue with that in the physical inventory journal. I can actually put the lot number right here and serial number whereas I think in the physical inventory journal, we have to go into item tracking. It's like a sub-form, which makes this a little bit tedious.

We go ahead and do this, and let me just go ahead and finish this one. Now it puts in the positive and negative adjustments. I can just go ahead and hit Post. Posted and it changes all of my inventory. That's a pretty interesting mod or feature that has been interested.

I like it. It makes it a lot easier to physical inventory counts than it used to be with physical inventory journal. It's more structured. That's true, actually got it right, more structured.

Thanks for watching. Until next time...

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