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66 - Account Schedules in Dynamics NAV 2017 - Part 1

66 - Account Schedules In Dynamics NAV 2017 - Part 1   

I’ve actually touched on dimensions and analysis views and we did like a long series on charts, but for some reason, I’ve completely avoided account schedules, that was not intentional, It just somehow happened that way. So I’m gonna start, digging into that.

Account schedules its a topic that has been for a long time in NAV, Its one of the original things in there. Even before the advanced dimensions, analysis views and all of those things, we had account schedules, it was kind of the first reporting so to speak financial reporting, and that has evolved and I'm gonna go into just creating a simple account schedule right now and I think I'll keep going with account schedules similar as I did with charts. Move on to a few videos so stay tuned for more things on that.

I’m logged in here as the account manager which is one of the standard roles and if I click here on analysis up here on my ribbon I will get account schedules, that how you find them there are not here but there are in analysis. Now I get here account schedules, analysis by dimensions and analysis views, and then I can print out the account schedules.

So I'm gonna go into account schedules right here, and I get a list of account schedules, so if your not familiar, what account schedule is, basically what it is, its a financial reporting tool inside NAV where you can create reports and live reports straight out of the chart of accounts, using both chart of accounts, posting accounts as well as dimensions and now you can even add things like cash flow accounts and cost accounts. So there is a lot of things you can do today that you couldn't do before. But I'm gonna just start with very simple since this is my first video on the topic.

Here I have some standard account schedules. I'm gonna create a new one. Call it CM INC, which is coffee mug income statement, and it asks me for a default column layout. When we are doing an account schedule we have a list of rows basically and the rows are gonna be posting accounts or totaling accounts or something like that. And then we have the columns across and we can specify both, In this case I'm just gonna pick something that is right out of the box here, balance only, that’s gonna show me the balance of those accounts that I'm picking, and that is my default, meaning that that’s what it’s gonna set up when you open it up, you can, of course, add more and change it around.

So here I go into “edit account schedule”. And I get this worksheet type form, and here is where I actually start putting in the rows and you can put a lot of different rows in here, what I’m gonna do though, keep it simple. I’m just gonna just pull thing out of the chart of accounts, and there is a really neat way to do it, I can actually come here and say: insert GL accounts and then I get my chart of accounts in here, so I have a pretty big chart of account as you can see.

This is from the standard demo that comes with NAV called CRONUS. So instead of cherry picking accounts here, I'm just gonna take all of the accounts that are greater than 40,000 so I'll just put in a filter (40,000) which would give all accounts greater than 40,000. I'm gonna just select everything here, and I hit ok.

I get all of the posting accounts, including the total accounts on to my account schedule. So what I've done effectively is copied those into an account schedule which I can then report on. So if I hit here overview, I can see the live number (this the number right now in the system, balance number) of all of those accounts. That is pretty neat that is kind of like the coolest thing about this because we are not supposed to be printing out all the time, let's save some paper.

We can just be looking at things on screen, anyways its live and it has interactivity, so for example: if I am interested in knowing what was in the sales retail domestic, I can click on that here, and drill into that and its gonna give me the account that makes up that number which is the 44100, if I want to see the details on that account I can then drill in just like NAV allows to the actual entries.

So if you are building a financial statement for the C level ( CEO, COO )and they don't care of the chart of accounts and they want to see a shrunken version of the chart of accounts you can basically create a financial statement like this, so let me manipulate it a little bit.

If I hit ok here, let's say I am not interested in knowing the details of jobs, I just want to see the total sales of jobs. I can just take this out and leave the total sales of jobs in here, so I just delete like that. That's not gonna change my numbers because I have the total in here. Also, I don't wanna see the contract sales, just see total so I’ll delete that out. Mostly interested in sales of retail right. 

Right now we have cleaned this up a little bit, so I have total sales of jobs, total sales of contracts, I have a list of our total sales of raw material right here, and listed total sales of retail and let's clean of the cost a little bit, so the cost of capacities I might not be interested in, like that. And let's say the cost of raw materials I'm not interested in, like that.

So I made some adjustments and I can then go ahead and hit overview again. And you can see I compressed these, so there was nothing going on on sales of jobs, nothing going on on sales of service contract but on sales of raw materials we have that here, retail obviously here, and then we have these extra things and then the total.

We are basically just manipulating the account schedule, which is grabbing stuff from the chart of accounts to make it look pretty on here.

A couple of other things, so there are formatting things, of course, you can do, let's say we don't want to see this negative if your an accounting you understand that this is credit and negative is good. But if you aren't an accounting you go like wait a minute, we didn't lose 12 million, did we?
So to change that around we can just say, show opposite sign. So I can just go ahead and say I want opposite on all of these, and then I have that all turned around.

So these are kind of the basic things you can do with account schedules, I'm gonna start moving into the column layouts in the next video, but I hope it gets you started.          



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